
Guillermo del Toro Gives Hobbit Update
Source: Ryan Rotten
November 12, 2008 talked to director Guillermo del Toro about The Hobbit and its sequel last night at an event for the new Hellboy II: The Golden Army DVD.

He says they won't start the casting process until they've finished writing: "Literally, like every week, what you discover writing the two movies, writing the two stories, it changes. So, every week there's a discovery, and anything we say this week would be contradicted next week. Certainly that would be true in casting. Why create hopes or why create expectations if down the line you're going to go, 'You know what? That was not a good idea.'"

Regarding the creatures, he says there are so many more to be explored in "The Hobbit" films that were not explored in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. "We want to do a muscle-driven, radio-controlled suits for a couple of things. I already started that with Wink in 'Hellboy II.' Wink was pushed as far as we could within the time limits and the budget limits of the movie and we're going to take what we learned and apply it.

"Smaug is the creature in 'The Hobbit.' The way Tolkien wrote it, already, is magnificent. It's already a fantastic character. So, obviously, dragons, you ask every person what their best favorite dragon is, they will give you a different answer. In my mind, what we're going to attempt on the design of this creature and the creation of this creature needs to push the envelope beyond anything you've ever seen on that kind of creature.

"There is some stuff that has been done with dragons that I find... there are very few landmarks created for me. One of the best and one of the strongest landmarks that almost nobody can overcome is 'Dragonslayer.' The design of the Vermithrax Pejorative is perhaps one of the most perfect creature designs ever made. So, what you have to be careful is not to try to be distinctive just to be distinctive, but Smaug has certain characteristics that make him unique already. I am bursting at the seams about spilling the beans, but I won't because I would be shot."

Del Toro also talked more about two films he is producing--Adrien Brody/Sarah Polley starrer Splice and Juan Antonio Bayona's Hater--and you can read his quotes at!

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Posted by: Spideys Mum on November 12, 2008 at 10:39:11

Yeah radio controlled suits. Havent you read the hobbit? In this one gandalf has nine arms and lips the size of a bacon sandwhich.

Cant wait for this, but I guess Im gunna have to..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Posted by: andy foster on November 12, 2008 at 10:47:19

how childish that ppl are trying to be the first to leave a comment! espescially when the comment is just "first" and nothing about the article.the rings movies are awesome and although i would have loved jackson to do them,del toro is my definate next choice

Posted by: steve c on November 12, 2008 at 10:53:14

the radio controlled suits are just a means of special effects not a story point. I hate the Hellboy movies but loved Pans Labrynth so idk, but hopefully the hobbit is awesome.

Posted by: longhair on November 12, 2008 at 10:55:48

This is going to be absolutly amazing. Jackson-del Toro. What a pairing.

Posted by: shoe on November 12, 2008 at 11:00:28

i'm as excited as anyone about these movies, but i have to say, it had better be a hell of a lot more like pan's labyrinth than hellboy II.

Posted by: cj on November 12, 2008 at 11:06:22


Posted by: Ryan on November 12, 2008 at 11:34:37

Pan's Labyrinth is overrated. It's Labyrinth minus David Bowie. That is to say, pointless.

Posted by: The R-dale Cowboy on November 12, 2008 at 11:43:35

I like Del Toro but I'm scared he might make the character designs to complicated and bizarre. Instead of trying to make something appear new and different I would prefer a classic look. IN LOTR all the designs reflected the established look for classic archetypes. Gandolf's look wasn't something overly original but he was instantly recognizable as a wizard.
I fear Del Toro might decide to use some more strange designs like he did in Blade 2, Hellboy 1 & 2, and Pan's Labyrinth. What's with this guy and giving creatures eyes where they don't belong or strange banana peel mouths?

Posted by: John Doe on November 12, 2008 at 11:48:01

Ryan, you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Comparing "Labyrinth" to "Pan's Labyrinth" is absolutely pointless. It's like saying '"Who framed Roger Rabbit?" is like "The Big Sleep" without Bogart'.

About "The Hobbit": I'm not half as enthusiastic as most of you about "The Hobbit" and the "bridging-the-gap"-movie. Dancing elves, rhyming trolls, babbling animals (everything officially confirmed in chats by del Toro and Jackson)... NOT GOOD! Of course, all of this is true to the children's book "The Hobbit", but it doesn't fit to "The Lord of the Rings"-movies. I think a LOT of people will be surprised by the two new movies, and I guess not everybody will be happy with the different tone of the prequels.

Posted by: PHILLIPE on November 12, 2008 at 11:48:04

I liked pan's labyrinth, hellboy II sucked, I'll wait for the trailers, I'm still pumped because it's Hobbit and peter jackson is somewhat involved

Posted by: motoko kusanagi on November 12, 2008 at 12:00:18

I wouldnt be surprised if there attempting to create a Real smaug and lay off the cg until he leaves the mountain. It would no doubt look incredible. EVEN the jabba the hutt rigg looked better than the cg rendings, (albiet cgi techniques have improved immensly too) Dragonslayer is still the best reference. even Rain of fire used it as a guide for good reason. It is the best film dragon ever done.
smaug would be virmithrax on steriods.

Posted by: Jeff on November 12, 2008 at 12:30:52

oh...look im number 15 how cool am i!!! 16 and on will much much jealous

Posted by: JTX007 on November 12, 2008 at 12:39:51


Posted by: The Stark Knight on November 12, 2008 at 12:45:52

Smaug...honestly, it is the main reason for my wanting to see The Hobbit come to life. I don't believe dragons have ever been given thier proper due on film, even considering Dragonslayer (which I generally liked). I expect Smaug to be THE standard for Dragons. Good Luck, GdT!

Posted by: DegenX on November 12, 2008 at 12:49:42


Posted by: Doctor Pain on November 12, 2008 at 12:54:16

"Of course, all of this is true to the children's book "The Hobbit", but it doesn't fit to "The Lord of the Rings"-movies."

Well yeah. Even the books are almost from completely different universes - the tone is different, the storytelling style is different, just about the only thing the books share is Bilbo, Gandalf, Gollum, and ring.

That's why I think bringing del Toro on is perfect - it'll be similar to LOTR in some ways - but completely different at the same time.

But you're probably right that people will be disappointed. I wonder if they'll actually show the battle of five armies, or if it'll just be like the book, where Bilbo gets knocked out and wakes up when it's over. That would be funny. Nerds would be furious.

Posted by: Peter Griffin on November 12, 2008 at 13:00:43

Smaug will be pretty fricking sweet to see and he may be the best part of the movie, but I admit that I am interested in Beorn. I wonder if his change from man to bear will be too cheesy.

Posted by: Roger Moore on November 12, 2008 at 13:19:32

The hobbit was a great book. it set the stage for lotr. The hobbit has much more action. I can't wait to see smaug. I wonder who will do his voice. The movie is in good hands. Toro knows exactly what he's doing. I actually can't wait.

Posted by: Adam on November 12, 2008 at 13:27:00

They are going to take tons of orinal ideas and ruin this movie. They love adding things that are not in the books and cut things that are important. They are making it two movies just to cash in. Film is now soley about money in hollywood now no more art.

Posted by: Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar De La Hoya Dec 6th HBO PPV on November 12, 2008 at 13:50:14

James MacAvoy for young Bilbo Baggins.

Posted by: Hobbit Feet on November 12, 2008 at 13:51:09

This is one of those projects that you just want to see stuff right now and knowing that somewhere in Weta's amazing studios are going be sketches and maquettes of Smaug and other creatures is almost too much to bare. I love del Toros take on this in terms of using as much physical effects as possible and I actually think this fits in really well with Jacksons approach of keeping things as real as possible, from the many prosthetics to the fantastic bigatures.

In terms of vocal casting I'd love to hear John Hurt (who actually recently voiced a dragon in BBC's 'Merlin') or even Ron Perlman lending his gravelly Beauty and Beast's Vincent tones.

I also think James McAvoy would make a perfect Bilbo with just the balance of naivety and grit. But hey, what do I know.

Oh... and says hello!

Posted by: Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar De La Hoya Dec 6th HBO PPV on November 12, 2008 at 13:52:55

BTW Hellboy II was a let down and LOTR was fine without radio wire muscle crap stick with CGI not once did the CGI bother me in the LOTR why change something when it isn't broke.

I like Del Torro but really couldn't Peter Jackson have just ditched Lovely Bones and done The Hobbit himeself.

Posted by: devarim12 on November 12, 2008 at 14:05:33

I do agree with Del Toro on the point of casting. There is no point of making any real casting commitments when you don't know if something will fit or Aragorn or Legolas. If they try to make the Dragon into a radio controlled type figure...that wouldn't be a good idea I don't think...but you could certainly use other characters from the Hobbit as a radio controlled being. Like the Trolls or Goblins mentioned when they try to eat Bilbo.

Posted by: Alex on November 12, 2008 at 14:07:13

Christopher Lee offered his voice for Smaug. He gets my vote. Even if he comes back as Saruman, he can still do Smaug (after all, Gimli did the voice of Treebeard).

Posted by: Cliff on November 12, 2008 at 14:17:08

GDT is the man, but Peter Jackson should be making these movies. Even though the hobbit is before LoTR, it would be nice to see the same creative flow from THE trilogy to the hobbit movie(s).

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