TRACKING PIXEL: Place this 1x1 tracking pixel image on the page along with the creative: Use this link as the click-through URL: href=";adid=202910529;sect=redirect;sz=1x1;ord=[timestamp]" IMPORTANT NOTE - BOTH of these must be on the page for the click-through to work properly. You cannot just use the click URL alone. Also, the 'ord=[timestamp]' must BE THE SAME on both the image and click URL for it to work properly. You can either dynamically change the [timestamp] variable using Javascript, or just hard code the same number on both like this: ord=1234567890

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The B Action Movie Thread (Seagal, Statham, Van D…
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felix natalya

Favorite Futurama Quotes/Moments
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The Evil Dead Darkhorse Adaptation
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Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Jugga…
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The LD

When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions
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Battlefield: Bad Company
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The Semi-Official PC Gaming Thread
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Harold and Kumar 2
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Devin Faraci

  Blogs by this Author

I don't like dating. It's a rotten institution, and one that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I like to become friends with women first and then hypnotize or otherwise con them into getting involved...
When you live in Los Angeles you get the chance to meet people who are actually working in the movie business and not just trying to break in. You can meet these people... and then punch them in the n...
There are a lot of factors going into my current mind loss, including boring personal ones like women, finances and bogglins, but what's really slowly draining my sanity is working from home.Working f...
Last night I ended up going to a semi-small party where the only person I knew was the girl with whom I arrived, Julia. I'm not the biggest fan of this situation*, but sometimes you have to deal with ...
This New York Times story is interesting in that while the mainstream media just loves talking about blogging, this is the first I'm aware of to take this angle: blogging can kill you. The piece attri...
Next week I will be going as far west as I will have ever gone, as I head to Hawaii. It's a six hour flight. My longest flight has been something like nine hours, and when I start to complain about th...
I am trying to get into the mindset of the person who is shocked by Michael Stipe 'coming out of the closet' to US Magazine (right here). This is like Denzel Washington coming out as black. How the fu...
Here's the discussion area for the first edition of The Weekend Discussion (rights reserved to rename). Have at.
Yesterday I was hanging out with the coolest woman I know and I was confessing to her a weakness in my character that I had confessed to you, Faithful Readers, earlier this week in my blog. And she sa...
Nick's going to hate this blog entry, both because it's short and because of the gif I'm posting. My first reaction to this was doubling over in laughter, and then I felt bad about what might have hap...
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