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YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN - Pre-release thread
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2008 Presidential Election
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LOST - Season 4
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Rusty Oysterburger

I don't even LIKE Star Wars anymore
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Venture Bros. Season 3
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Alex Riviello

Born and raised in The Bronx. Doesn't speak with an accent unless you get him really angry. Has been writing for Creature Corner over two years now, Chud for a little less. Recently engaged and looking forward to the future. Doesn't care how lame that sounds. Email him here

  Blogs by this Author

If you're at all like me, roughly 98% of all conversations you've engaged in over the last week have inevitably led to GTA IV. It's not something that's intentional, it just pops up... whether to both...

I got shot.

I've lived in NYC all my life, have been to some pretty rough sections of every single borough, but it took a trip to Florida for me to finally be a victim of gun violence.Now, before you get all weep...
Once again I'm back in San Francisco thanks to EA, who has me settled in comfortably at the Soiftel hotel down the street from their headquarters. It's weird how from one trip here I feel li...

Back into the fray

Next week I'm heading out to San Francisco once again to visit EA for one of their community days- this time for Battlefield: Bad Company. It's funny, as much as people slam EA (sometimes for good rea...

Inochi- You are alive!

Yesterday I broke my pledge once again to never head back into Brooklyn in order to check out the Murakami exibit at the Brooklyn Museum. If you're not familiar with the man (I barely was, outside of ...
This blog is half shameless plug and half "I'm secure enough in my manhood to think baby animals are cute" statement.  The shameless plug part comes because a couple of my best friends shot, edit...

Alex goes Postal

Sometimes being a writer sucks. Why? I spent my entire morning ruminating about Uwe Boll's Postal (evidence here). Not that it's the worst movie I've ever seen, far from it, but getting yourself so de...

My Night With Dr. Boll.

So I'm heading to a screening of Uwe Boll's Postal tonight. I'm really hoping it's not an April Fool's joke, because I'm not stupid... I do know just know what I'm in for. I really should have learned...

Nerf Warfare

A few nights ago I went over my future inlaws' apartment for dinner. I'd heard rumors that the couple had gotten a few Nerf guns a little while back, but didn't think much of it. Till they pulled them...
So I just got done watching a grindhouse flick with a friend. For my birthday a few months ago the guy bought me one of those cheapo Grindhouse movie sets, you know- one of those dvd sets that boasts ...
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