August 29 2007

Hulu Translates To “Cease” and “Desist” in Swahili. Oops.

Michael Arrington


Congratulations are in order to YouTube-competitor Hulu, which took just five months to come up with a name after announcing itself in March. CEO Jason Kilar says the name “captures the spirit of the service we’re building” in an open letter published today.

Just don’t translate that name to certain languages, because the name may capture significantly more of the spirit of the service than NBC and News Corp., the media giants behind Hulu, intended.

Hulu means “butt” in both Indonesian and Malay. But that’s nothing compared to Swahili, which 80 million or so people speak in sub-Saharan Africa. In Swahili, Hulu means, among other things, both “cease” and “desist.” See here as well.

Given the litigious nature of online video, that is some serious irony. And you can bet that Hulu, and its parent companies NBC and News Corp., are going to be sending out one heck of a lot of cease and desist letters as soon as this thing launches.

Perhaps they should have just stuck with Clown Co. after all. And someone should ask for a refund from the very expensive consultants that this billion dollar startup undoubtedly used to help them come up with a name.

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  5. Been Looking at Hulu? Enough Made-Up Names!
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  1. ted

    hulu is actually a pretty decent name, it could’ve been a lot worse.

  2. Alaska Miller

    Irony is when it rains on your wedding day. Irony is like a free ride when you already paid. Irony is like 10,000 spoons when you’re looking for a knife.

  3. Michael Arrington

    I just wonder how many working sessions and consultants it took over those five months to come up with it.

    and why none of them tried translating it into other languages.

  4. Farhad

    Very funny Michael. but what’s also funny is that you figured it out within a few hours after they announced it but two gigantic corporations failed to see it in 6 months…

  5. Rex Dixon

    Maybe they are sending coded messages to you Mike!

    Dude - I still think with the coverage you gave “Clown Co.” - they should have just gone with it. I think Clown Co. is the best name, but hey - who are we to say?

    I’m sure those guys that sat around the table all those months, going “Hu… Do.. HuYou? No.. how about HUeyLEWis? no… how about HuLu!” — well they needed a job…

    I think the name is stupid.

    Clown Co. rocked. hmmmm…. maybe you should start a competing video service and call it that? It already has that traction thing going. :)


  6. Shawn

    Good catch on the Swahili, Michael. That’s hilarious.

    (…whose CA license plate is OH IRONY — really).

  7. thenerve


  8. Stef

    Wondering what tool you used to translate that HULU name into all of these languages (and other not-so-funny-result ones).

  9. Michael Arrington

    link in second paragraph Stef.

  10. ChandraB

    @Michael - A great scoop!!! A stupid name…I would have stuck to Clown Co. (a more appropriate name for a bunch of clowns)

  11. Michael Arrington

    by the way, this story is just getting started. Not the name thing, the series of missteps this JV has taken from the beginning.

  12. Rb

    they could have bought a better name;

    - or came up with a more original longer name.

    - a ”7” character name (youtube) makes more sense cause it logical and fits into the english language - association with names and actions

    Hulu? are you freaking serious? what the hell does that mean?

  13. Allen Stern

    What’s interesting Mike is that the research I did on the Hawaiian name showed “feather/plumage,” also means “choice and precious”.

    And I stand by the closeness to “hula hoop” which is probably not a good thing either.

    But it is fun.

  14. veritas

    Hey guys news flash.

    If all the major shows are available for free and in high quality (not YouTube crap), I’ll soon forget the name and what it means in freaking Swahili.

    I mean, I’m no fan of this entire Clown Co. debacle, but the sheer amount of mocking on all the web 2.0 blogs is unwarranted. They’ll have to try really, really hard to screw this up.

  15. Michael Arrington

    veritas - I believe they ARE trying really, really hard to screw it up.

  16. Jeff R

    I will sell them for $1M

  17. Breck


    “Cease and desist”, that is a funny find. However, although I know you love to pick on this joint venture, why not talk about the impending major effects that will have on the online video industry. Let’s take a quick look:

    Family Guy.
    The Office.
    The Simpsons.

    So they’re probably going to have a billion visitors when they launch. What does this mean for the little guys?

    And I don’t know how to pronounce hulu, but I like it because it’s short and simple.


  18. MGZ

    Michael… the definition you listed says, in Swahili, it also means “permit” and “allow.”

    Seems to me that perhaps Swahili is the problem here, and not the Hulu name.

    Also, really, hulu cares what they call it?

  19. Michael McCorry

    Oh yeah, they’re totally doomed. Just look at how the name “Wii” has hurt Nintendo’s sales. Err… Hmmm…

  20. Eric Willis

    OMFG… Irony squared + infinity…. lol

  21. gilltots

    i have a feeling that translation site is wrong.

    how can it mean “cease/desist” and “permit/allow” in swahili?

    those words are nearly opposite.

  22. Miller

    Gilltots makes a pretty good point. Can any native Swahili speakers shed some light on this?



    (Note to self: In twenty years when one of the 80 million native swahili speakers from war torn & impoverished African countries gets online and starts reading techcrunch ask him what “hulu” means.)

  23. Macshout

    @gillots - aloha in hawaiin means both hello and goodbye.

  24. LGR

    I knew this would happen. If I had the time I would have researched the meaning myself. I think the Malay meaning is pretty good too: Butt.

  25. hikaye

    thanks, wonderful.. bye

  26. Eric Willis



    Swahili is mainly spoken in the East-African countries of Kenya and Tanzania. I didn’t know those countries were “war torn”….

  27. Fred Laruelle

    What’s really sad and frustrating is how difficult it is to come up with a unique company name in today’s web.
    Almost all meaningful domain names are already taken, quite many of them by unscrupulous link farms or buy and hold bandits.

    … which leads us to

    The list of bizarre startup names is endless (not going to mention any, as my goal is definitely not to offend any one ;-)

    It would be great to clean this up and allow legitimate businesses to be found easily by their customers.
    (any suggestions on this?)

  28. Duncan Riley

    what makes you think they didn’t take it from Swahili in the first place and already knew the meaning? :-)

  29. Jon

    that’s an awesome name, they are sending a msg to youtube i’m sure. :)

  30. Hugh Jasse

    The name is ironic in the context of this venture - not in any past dealings. This site may be a turning point in Big Media’s business model and It certainly won’t be funny to any of Hulu’s competitors.

  31. Jind

    Let’s move on.

  32. Giles Bowkett

    ^^ Eric -

    Most Americans don’t have maps. And everywhere like such as.

  33. Deals and Coupons

    How can these four words go together: allow, desist, cease, permit? Strange. I still think hulu is a catchy name though, regardless of what it actually means in other languages.

  34. David

    Best post title…


  35. Roy

    gilltots: aloha

  36. Slappenstance

    As long as they have content then it won’t matter. YouTube is a great name, good product, but if these guys have all the content then YouTube won’t matter. Personally I don’t think they’ll screw up that badly. As long as they have a decent flash player and semi decent search engine then their good to go. And lets be real, YouTube is not the most complicated tech in the world.
    Any smart high school student can make a video site these days.

    The hard part is managing the scale and streaming. But put a good software firm on the problem and you should be fine.

  37. Anson

    If it translates as “allow, cease, desist, permit.” it probably really is a broader word meaning permission or rights.

    Pretty appropriate for online video, wouldn’t you say?

  38. Mikew

    I would not assume that in 6 months they couldn’t figure out that the name may have inappropriate meanings in other languages.

    I would guess that they simply didn’t care.

    The commenter that used Wii as an example is right.

    Hulu is short, easily pronounced, unique and therefore brandable - it’s actually a good name.

    AND, the “irony” of the name with its potential to cause a stir in the blogosphere is a bonus.

  39. lost in translation

    My Japanese-speaking father said “hulu” has 3 meanings: 1) “to reject”; 2) “to wave goodbye”; 3) “to sprinkle salt”.

    Let’s hope Clown.Co does not plan to go big in Japan.

    To compare “Hulu” to “Wii” is a wishful thinking, but, people are allowed to have wishful thinking.

  40. Abhishek


    Why so much hate…..

    It sounds like you have it out for these guys right from the start.

  41. Fabian Schonholz

    I hate to say this … but all the way to the bank.

  42. hulu

    [deleted. don’t be a racist]

  43. Faisal

    I said it before.

    They should have named it :

    As its me 2 service.

  44. Ivan Kedrin

    You don’t have permission to access /39874/.test on this server.

    wonder what 39874 stands for…

  45. Hashim

    they should should have names it and dared Google to sue them.

  46. jedi_boston

    In Chinese, hulu could mean snoring. Nice.

  47. Duh

    Why would they care what the name translates to? The service isn’t going to be available to anyone outside the US.

  48. Indian Videos

    Surprisingly, it does not mean anything in Hindi.

  49. sawyer joe

    in chinese,hulu means snoring.

  50. Textbook Case

    Fred Laruelle, I don’t think anywhere near all the names are gone, and I don’t think anyone’s particular use is any more/less moral than anyone else’s. Those names have value, and domain farmers are almost always going to be willing to sell for the right price. But having essentially millions of assets out there for sale for $10/year, it’s no surprise people hold them to sell.

    Is anyone going to be able to acquire a one-word dictionary term domain for their non-profit personal website? No, I don’t think they are. But that’s exactly the mechanism by which resources generally move toward their best use in an economy. For situations where it’s not worth spending hundreds for a domain, get creative.

    I bought about 2 months ago, it was unused. It’s a good quality domain (in my opinion) for something for my own personal use. If I am looking to use something for business, it’s well worth paying for a good name, or else maybe my business isn’t as great an idea as I thought.

  51. Reality Check

    Who really cares what it translates to as long as it isn’t something very negative? It obviously wasn’t designed to be watched in these other places anyway. I’m sure there are many company names with worse translations if you want to dive into it.

  52. ztreats

    Clown Co. Love it!

    Derived from …

    “Put a bunch of clowns together and you know what you get… a circus.”

    At the very least it will be a circus.

  53. Frank Sinton

    Wow. Given the international organizations that are a part of this, i would expect that they would at least do a language search on the name.

    Looks like they are located at the old eToys building in SM / West LA…

  54. Ryan Spahn

    Is it that complicated to create a domain name? Consultants….LoL

  55. Simba

    Hakuna Matata!

  56. yanksfan101

    The folks at are the lead consulting team for

  57. Gregor J. Rothfuss

    Results like these call for a re-run of this classic:

    I’m picturing the meetings. The posturing. The bandwidth provisioning. The advertising meetings. The legal reviews. The pr reviews. The plans. The emails. The cross-functional , inter corporate steering committees.

  58. Hulu Insider

    Oh man, they’re gonna kill me for leaking this!

    Previously secret ClownCo meeting transcription:
    HORACE: Johnny, take notes, please!
    JOHNNY: [rolling eyes] Great.
    HORACE: Okay, we are assembled here today to pick a name.
    BEAKER: Ugh. Again?
    HORACE: Beaker, cease your whining. We’re going to have great content, like The Simpsons, and…
    BEAKER: [under breath] Kiss my yellow hairy butt… [interrupted by thunder]
    HORACE: Excuse me?!
    LEILA: Guys, guys! This is getting old! It’s like we’re swimming upstream. Can’t we just get a handle on this?
    HORACE: Thank you, Leila. As I was saying, we’ll have amazing content, old and new…
    BEAKER: …blessed with DRM up the wazoo and…
    HORACE: BEAKER! I insist you desist!
    LEILA: Or he’ll really be pissed. Get the gist?
    JOHNNY: Anybody want a peanut? [goes back to surfing the net]
    HORACE: AAAAAGH! I will not allow this to continue! Doesn’t anyone have any ideas of names…?
    JOHNNY: I do, I do!
    HORACE: Er, anyone else? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? [sigh]. Okay, Johnny?
    JOHNNY: I vote for “Hulu.” I think it really captures much of what we’ve been saying.
    HORACE: [pausing for a moment] I like it! All in favor…?

    …and the rest is history!

  59. Eric Willis

    lol @ 45

  60. Clyde Smith

    Nice work Michael. It’s the simple moves that really kick ass (seriously).

    I noticed a lot of folks talking about the content. Yeah, I can’t wait to watch tv on my computer! It’s going to be fun! Especially if it’s the same show that’s on my DVR! But I guess all those office workers will be happy now.

    Yay Hulo!!!

    I mean, Hulu!!!

  61. Joshua Allen [msft]

    Chinese: Hulu means candy on a stick.

  62. MarshallPeck

    Wow, looks like it’s just a bunch of crappy TV shows… Isn’t that why we use youtube? Because TV sucks? Is TV not going to suck when online?

  63. Louis-Eric

    The problem comes when people just pick up a dictionary and presume that every language in the world must just be a variant of English; in Swahili, words said twice have a different meaning than words said once; so the classic Pole Pole that every mountaineer has heard on Kilimanjaro means relax, take it slow, but Pole by itself means sorry. Same for Baraka vs Baraka Baraka; etc.. So in one permutation, it means allow and permit; in another it means the opposite. The problem’s not with the Swahili. The problem’s with the reader’s limited understanding of it.

    Although I must admit it was a funny article, there is a far cry between trying to be cute, and saying that naming consultants have failed. This is certainly a simple name to remember, has an alliteration (always a good move), and sounds funny enough to warrant a second take (”Uh, did you say Zulu ? Hula ?”). On the other, it is so much in line with the series of words trying to sound funny, friendly and vaguely exotic while avoiding all explosive consonants that it melts with everything else out there.

  64. Wes

    I think that this just goes on to show how difficult it is to come with a name. If the product is good I will be the least worried about what the name means in different languages of the world.

  65. Finn

    In Finnish, we have a slightly modified version of this word: hullu, which means about the following things: Crazy, mad, totally out of his mind.

    A good addition to the associations with the name.

  66. AceLife

    Their name is CLOWN CO.!

  67. Tony E

    That is funny Michael, but HuNu??? I guess they should have known.

  68. Anand

    Hulu refers to the earthworm in Kannada :)

  69. Mick Liubinskas

    I spent four months in Arusha Tanzania and my Kiswahili is average but there are other words that are much cooler.

    Kesho - tomorrow.

    Pole pole - (po-lay polay) - go slowly.

    Hapana - NO!

    Kubwa Bia Baridi Sana - Big very cold beer.


    Mzee Mick (wise old man Mick)

  70. Marc Fiszman

    Posting frequency goes up, quality goes down, down…

    This site is just getting sad.

    Please just post the good stuff, like you used to. Not this inane crap.

  71. Joe Duck

    Heh…. Excuse me but there is hulu coming out of your hulu. Please hulu immediately!

  72. Marc Fiszman

    Oh wait, I just realised: the trashy stuff gets more diggs, right?


  73. Goorsha Billu

    In the ancient Ethiopian language of Geez (and modern day Ethiopian language of Amharic), hulu means “all”, “all of it”, “all of them”.

    Please go to:

    and type in “All” in the first search field and click on the “Search” button. The first translation that comes up is “Hulu”.

  74. Olly S

    My cat is called Hulu which in Chinese means Purr (I have taken some liberties with the English spelling though). This revelation however is extremely refreshing because at times the crazy animal could certainly learn to cease and desist….

  75. Antti

    I think Michael Arrington and some of you guys are wrong here. Let’s say they wanted to have a short and easy-to-spell word. Words like hulu, culo, mulo etc. all mean stupid or funny things in some language, it’s almost impossible to avoid it. Mitsubishi named their SUV “Pajero” which in Spanish means something like “wanker”? At least “hulu” means nothing stupid in English, Spanish, French, German or Portuguese (or Finnish), the most common languages of the target audience of these TV series. I’m 100 % sure they checked the name and didn’t care if it meant “butt” in Indonesian.

    Who cares if it means “butt” in Indonesian, if the content is top-notch? I don’t.

    Michael, don’t try too hard to outsmart these guys. It makes you look immature.

    But hey, thanks for all the quality content in TechCrunch! There’s plenty of that, too.

  76. Long Live Africa

    Michael, I think you should check your translation again

    Swahili is my [B]“FIRST LANGUAGE”[/B] and as far as I know[B] “Huru” [/B]has few meaning depending how you use it in the sentence but most of those meaning are close,
    Here we go

    [B]“Huru” means “free”[/B]

    Swahili sentence : jisikie[B] huru[/B] kuwasiliana nami au mwenzangu yeyote kwenye kikundi hiki

    English sentence : feel [B]free[/B] to communicate with me or any of my colleagues in this group

    [B]“huru” means “independent”[/B]

    Swahili sentence : Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ilianzishwa kutokana na muungano wa nchi [B]huru [/B]mbili, Tanganyika na Zanzibar

    English sentence : The United Republic of Tanzania began from the union of two [B]independent[/B] countries, Tanganyika and Zanzibar

    [B]“huru” means “autonomous”[/B]

    Swahili sentence :mamlaka za udhibiti wa usafiri wa anga ziwe mamlaka [B]huru[/B]
    English sentence : the authority for control of air travel should be an [B]autonomous [/B]entity

  77. Long Live Africa

    I don’t know where are you get the data that “Tanzania & Kenya” where Swahili is mainly spoken are war torn countries

    Anyway this remind me “I, personally, believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don’t have” by Miss South Carolina

  78. Miller

    I’m still waiting for a native Swahili speaker to shed some light on the discrepancy in definitions.

    “the countries that primarily make up Swahili-speaking region of East Africa are Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi. The Swahili-speaking area also extends into southern Somalia, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, and parts of northern Mozambique and the Comoros Islands.”

    Its safe to say that the last 10 years in Uganda, Rwanda & the Congo have had their share of civil war (and all of these countries are still impoverished).

  79. Parag Mathur


    Content is king. I don’t think the name will matter much if the site provides good stuff. Do you think they’ll provide an embeddable widget for their videos?? Or will users be forced to visit Hula Hoops to view the content.

  80. Amit

    Hi Michael

    I don’t believe Swahili is spoken extensively in Sub-Saharan Africa (that is north and west). It’s widely spoken in East Africa, where I was born. Please check and correct.


  81. Larry Borsato

    I’m with Duncan. I’m willing to bet that they knew full well that Hulu meant cease and desist.
    Isn’t there an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs says that *Fragile* means *unbreakable* in Swahili?

  82. Tcruncher2

    Ah am I the only one to notice that Hulu means

    ‘allow,cease,desist,permit’ - wtf ?

    So its saying “allow” while saying “stop” while saying “really stop” while saying “ok you can do it” ?

    Now that makes no sense………

  83. wwyy88

    Hulu in Mandarin/Chinese: snore

  84. B. Deagon

    There is a fairly well-established WiMax company in Sweden called Hulu. Maybe it’s getting hard to find good names, but web video is potentially close enough to WiMax services to cause some trademark sparks to fly.

  85. billy

    I’m not sure I would make such a big deal out of Indonesian and Malay both having the same translation. They are both, essentially the same language.
    Bahasa Indonesia is a dialect of the Malay trading language. (Bahasa Malay)

  86. chinesetrans

    Another Chinese translation for Hulu is “gourd”. A popular character in Chinese culture is known as a “Hulu lian” or “Gourd Face”.

  87. Rick

    Call me Hairy Thunder Butt…what’s not to like?

  88. Rick

    @Hulu insider: stop that infernal rhyming and i mean it…

  89. michael cai

    Hulu also means snoring in Chinese

  90. June

    It means “peach” in persian.

  91. Long Live Africa

    Please don’t just go on wiki or wherever you’re getting those definitions and then you straight believe what you read, there is more to it than those wikis telling you

    There are only few people in that regional I would estimate not more than 10 million who speak Swahili as their native language.

    Most of those countries you mention Swahili are spoken as third or even fourth language and mostly with few people on the border with Tanzania but not as a primary language at all.

    I can assure you if someone walks in the streets of Bujumbura, Kinshasa or Kampala for that matter you can go all day without hearing one word in Swahili.

    If you’re in Bujumbura you will communicate with more people if you speak
    Rundi “Kirundi” or French than you would with Swahili. In Kinshasa you will be better of knowing Lingala, Kongo “ Kikongo” or French than Swahili, and same goes in Kampala you will find a lot of people speaking Ganda “Kiganda” and English than Swahili but that trend will change when you step your feet in the Dar- Es Salaam “Haven of Peace” (My Home Town) OR we native like to call it DAR, There almost everyone speak Swahili as their First Language.

    I am not sure if you can follow those cities on the map , last time I heard from Miss Teen South Carolina, is that Most Us Americans have NO MAP (Wasn’t me and I am not sure if your one of those US AMERICANS anyway)

  92. Raimo

    Hulu means crazy in finnish ;-)

  93. An American

    In Yezidi (Kurdish) “hulu” is the sound you make to tell donkey to start moving.

  94. David Mackey

    lol. Pretty ironic.

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