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The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
(Author unknown)
About this track:
 The very end of the album typifies the advanced studio trickery applied throughout Sgt. Pepper. After the last droplets of the crashing piano chord of 'A Day In The Life' have evaporated, come a few seconds of 15 kilocycle tone, put there - especially to annoy your dog - at the request of John Lennon. Then, as the coup the grace, there is a few seconds of nonsense Beatle chatter, taped, cut into several pieces and stuck back together at random so that, as George Martin says, purchasers of the vinyl album who did not have an auto return on their record player would say "What the hell's that?" and find curious noise going on and on ad infinitium in the concentric run-out groove. - from the 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' CD sleeve notes
How to find it:
 Begins at 5:07 of track #13 ("A Day In The Life")
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