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Migration data from around the world - at your fingertips! Our interactive and expanding database gives you easy access to migration data and generates instant charts along the way. We will continually add new countries and up-to-date data.

Trouble accessing data? Click here.

For information on the comparability of international migration data, click here.

Additional Data Resources
Sources of Country Data
State Map State Data on the Foreign Born
Generate fact sheets with information on the states and regions of the United States.

Whos Where Who's Where in the United States?
Find out where different foreign-born groups live in the United States.

Maps of the Foreign Born in the US
Maps of the distribution of the foreign born in the United States by country.

US Historical Trends
Important building blocks to help you better understand US immigration trends and patterns.

Seeking Asylum
Analyze the numbers and origins of asylum seekers around the world.

Comparative Charts and Tables
Charts to help you visualize international migration trends and levels.

Country-Specific Charts and Tables
Unique immigration characteristics for certain countries.

The Source would like to thank the following organizations for their assistance in obtaining country-specific migration data:

Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Statistik Austria (Statistics Austria)
Statistics Canada
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Danmarks Statistik (Statistics Denmark)
Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland)
Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)
National Statistical Service of Greece
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Statistics Netherlands)
Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway)
Russian Federation
Goskomstat Rossi (State Committee on Statistics of the Russian Federation)
Statistiska Centralbyrån (Statistics Sweden)
United Kingdom
The Home Office
Office of National Statistics
United States

U.S. Census Bureau
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services

Worldwide Data

Additional sources of international migration data:

Other National Statistical Agencies
International Labor Organization (ILO)
International Monetary Fund
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
UN Population Division
United Nations Population Information Network
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees
World Bank Data and Statistics
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