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’Ozark’ Cinematographer Ben Kutchins Explains Why the Hell the Show Is So Dark (Literally, Not Figuratively)

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It’s an unspoken rule of prestige TV. If you want to be taken seriously, things better get dark. But even as a show in the midst of this trend, Netflix’s Ozark is an exceptionally somber show, and this assessment has nothing to do with the deliberate murder of several family members. Filled with blues and blacks, Ozark is just visually dark.

“I think both Jason Bateman and I wanted to do something that was unique and unique to Ozark that created a distinct look,” Director of Photography Ben Kutchins told Decider about the show’s visual language. Kutchins was nominated for an Emmy for his work on Season 1. “From the beginning we really [tried to make bold choices], and I think it stood out in the way that we tell stories, the way that we color correct the episodes, the way that we move the camera, and the way that the camera relates to the characters.”

Ben Kutchins and Lisa Emery on Ozark
Jessica Miglio/Netflix

Ozark‘s brooding look nods to several esteemed sources. Kutchins cited early David Fincher movies, the Australian crime drama Animal Kingdom, and Gordon Willis’ Klute as inspiration for the look of the series. Though a multitude of cinematographers and directors have worked on Ozark‘s two seasons, Kutchins and Bateman were constantly having discussions about the look and color correction of the show and saw every episode.

So why exactly is Ozark so dark? The look of the show is meant to emulate the disturbing world the Byrd family has to navigate.

“We don’t know if the Byrd family is going to make it through this, you know? And at every corner there’s a new adversary and a new puzzle to be solved, there’s a new riddle,” he said. “For me the really interesting thing that we lean into in making a show that’s this dark is like what is in the shadows over there? Is there somebody lurking in the shadows? And what’s beneath the surface of the lake? What’s that thing that’s just beneath the surface of the story that’s terrifying the audience?”

Ben Kutchins and Jason Bateman on the set of Ozark
Jessica Miglio/Netflix

“My hope was that the audience would really like lean forward into it and be looking around the frame to see what’s lurking in the shadows. I want the audience to be engaged and to draw them in,” Kutchins said. “There are movies and shows where you really have to shut off your devices and shut off your brain and really have to lean in. I’m happy that Ozark is one of those.”

As for the direction of Season 2, Kutchins said things are only going to get darker. Whereas he described Season 1 as “fun,” this new season really let the creators, cast, and crew lean into the more complicated themes of the show. “If you think Season 1 is dark, Season 2 is like a whole new level,” he said.

Ozark Season 2 premieres on Netflix Friday, August 31 at 12 midnight / 3 a.m. ET.

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