Joel McHale gets topical with new weekly Netflix talk show


Actor Joel McHale paid a visit to BUILD Series recently to dish about his new online talk show coming to Netflix later this month. "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale," is a weekly half-hour topical web series where McHale analyzes and pokes fun at the events that took place in the news, TV and pop culture all around the world. Celebrity guests from all walks of life will also stop by and join in on the fun.

"We're going to be making fun at streaming [shows]. Since Netflix rules the world now, we have access to every countries' television [shows] and we're going to make fun of all of that," he explained. "In America, with Trump as President, no matter what your affiliation is politically, he takes up ninety percent of all entertainment and news. So I want you to know that there are still lots of dumb TV out there that needs to be made fun of."

So even though there might be a joke about a current political moment with Trump on the show, that's not what McHale is primarily focusing on.

Weird and wacky content like "Japanese game shows where people are farting on each other or a Korean game show where people get hit by cars" are just a few examples of things you'll see get spotlighted by McHale. "We're going to be making fun of EVERYTHING! There are lots of television [shows] out there that needs to be talked about. We see this show like it's a long late-night monologue where we throw in lots of clips and there will be lots of guests that aren't interviewed but they participate in the comedy of making fun of the clips," McHale explained.

McHale will be bringing back some of the staff from his other similarly-themed topical E! show, "The Soup," along with some new production staff members into the fold. "It's been great, I think they're writing very funny stuff. If they don't, then they'll be fired," the comedian said dryly.

"It was like high school or something where we all were together figuring this thing out, so it's great to be back with a lot of them. I really do love it. I didn't want to do this show again so that I could see these people every day. I've always wanted to do it because it was always so much fun to do."

When it comes to the development process for the show, you're going to have to wait and see says the comedic actor. Due to the topical nature of the show, McHale revealed that they'll be "waiting to see which shows are happening that week," before they make each week's show. However, some really funny sketches have been taped in advance, one of which will be about "Stranger Things!" Those will be filmed and edited separately and eventually will get packaged into each weekly episode.

When asked what he most feared in making the new online series, McHale initially said it was to have really good makeup and a ton of sweaters to wear, but all jokes aside, he really thought that there weren't a lot of big fears going into this project.

"My fears are very little. I want to make sure I nail the fart joke. I'm not gripped with fear yet. I guess the fear would be, the show sucks, that would be too bad. That's my fear, 'Don't f--- it up!'," McHale concluded.

Catch the premiere of "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale" starting February 18th on Netflix!
