COVID-19: How New York City became epicenter of coronavirus pandemic, what that means

David Robinson
New York State Team

New York City’s rise this month to become the new coronavirus pandemic’s epicenter has far-reaching implications for communities statewide.

Most pressing, the rapidly spreading virus that originated in Wuhan, China, threatens to overwhelm New York state’s entire medical system, prompting a dire push for thousands of new hospital beds to treat infected New Yorkers.

Further, the outbreak, which topped 44,600 confirmed cases statewide as of Friday, including 23,000 in New York City alone, is also devastating the entire state’s economy and draining government coffers at all levels.

Meanwhile, what is unfolding in New York City in many ways offers a case study in how the virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, attacks all aspects of life, as well as what public health experts say needs to be done to beat it back.

It spans everything from social-distancing measures emptying New York City’s typically jam-packed streets and parks to travel advisories stemming the flow of tourists who flock by the millions to the Big Apple each year.

“What's happening in New York is not a New York phenomenon,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during a press briefing Thursday.

“People in New York don't have a different immune system than other Americans,” he said. “It's higher in New York because it started here first, because we have global travelers coming here first, because we have more density than most places, but you will see this in cities all across the country.”

He asserted the spread of the virus from New York City to surrounding areas will also play out nationally.

As a result, the city and other communities downstate, including Westchester County, have been the hardest hit in the U.S., which had about 86,000 confirmed cases as of Friday morning.

Behind New York state at 44,600, the next-highest states in terms of confirmed COVID-19 cases were New Jersey at about 6,800, California at 4,000 and Washington at 3,200.

In addition to the cluster in New York City, Cuomo has also noted the state's figures are higher than other states in part due to the fact it is testing many more people, approaching 139,000 tests conducted as of Friday morning.

Why New York City’s density, tourism made it vulnerable to coronavirus

Times Square in Manhattan was far emptier than usual for a Saturday afternoon March 21, 2020. Coronavirus concerns have closed almost all businesses and kept most New Yorkers indoors.

Numbers, in many ways, tell the story of New York City’s unique vulnerability to COVID-19.

With about 8.6 million residents, it is the most populous city in the U.S. It is more than twice as large as the next largest city, Los Angeles, at 4 million.

Further, New York City has the highest population density of any major city in the country, with over 27,000 people per square mile.

It all comes together to make the city ripe for a virus that spreads through droplets coughed, sneezed or left behind on surfaces, a threat that makes identifying and isolating infected people crucial, health officials said.

More: NY state Labor Department hit with 80,500+ claims in one week during COVID-19 economic shutdown

More: New York closes schools until April 15 as coronavirus spread continues

As for travelers feeding the spread, consider New York City welcomed a record 65.1 million visitors in 2018, and international visitors comprised 13.6 million of the total, according to data compiled by CUNY Baruch College.

More than 3 million of New York City’s residents are also foreign-born, with over one quarter arriving within the last two decades, which is another factor driving international travel that is key to global transmission of a virus.

How coronavirus threatens New York’s state budget, economy

Grand Central Terminal was almost empty as all of Manhattan was far quieter than usual March 21, 2020. Coronavirus concerns have closed almost all businesses and kept most New Yorkers indoors.

Economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic is just starting to come into focus, despite expectations that the ripple effects could be felt for generations to come.

The state Department of Labor, for instance, received more than 80,500 unemployment insurance claims in one week in mid-March as New York workers were hit by the coronavirus-fueled economic shutdown, the most recent available statistics show.

Nationally, the number of Americans filing initial applications for unemployment benefits jumped nearly twelvefold to a record 3.28 million last week, offering the most vivid evidence yet of the pandemic's widespread damage to the economy.

Meanwhile, Cuomo criticized federal lawmakers for failing to provide sufficient economic aid to the communities hit hardest by the virus.

He said a $2 trillion federal COVID-19 stimulus package only included $5 billion for New York state government's costs directly related to battling the pandemic, such as health care spending.

Missing from the measure was aid related to the loss in other revenues, such as sales taxes, that state governments rely upon, Cuomo said.

Now, New York is projecting it will lose $10 to $15 billion in state revenue due to job losses and economic fallout tied to the pandemic, Cuomo said Friday, slamming the federal lawmakers’ stimulus plan.

He added the situation left few options other than trimming from the largest and most important portion of the state budget.

“All they did was cut the education budget to the state of New York, which is a tragedy,” Cuomo said.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio similarly blasted the federal stimulus bill for shortchanging the city.

"I don’t understand how anybody, any public servant could live with themselves if they deprived the cities in the middle of the biggest crisis since the Great Depression, deprived us, deprived our state, of the money we need," he said during a press briefing this week.

"They gave (New York City) less than 1% of the money that they were giving out to cities and states, and we have a third of the cases in the nation – that is just immoral," de Blasio said.

Sarah Taddeo of the USA TODAY Network New York State Team contributed to this report.

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David Robinson is the state health care reporter for the USA TODAY Network New York. He can be reached at[email protected] and followed on Twitter:@DrobinsonLoHud