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Kesha wrote a 22-song album — and can't release it

Maeve McDermott
Hopefully, we can say hello to a new Kesha album soon.

Amidst her ongoing legal woes with producer Dr. Luke, Kesha recorded 22 new songs, ready to be polished and released.

That's one of the many revelations in a new New York Times Magazine profile of the singer, which tells the story of an artist in limbo, crippled by legal fees and sitting on an album's worth of new music.

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According to writer Taffy Brodesser-Akner, there's a lot to be excited about in Kesha's new material, which leans more country and classic-rock than the club-banging pop songs listeners are used to hearing from her.

"But the song I want to tell you about most is Rainbow. If it ever emerges from private listenings, it will be your favorite Kesha song, she writes about the Ben Folds-assisted track. "It’s big and sweeping, and you can hear every instrument that [Folds] and his associates played — it does recall a Beach Boys vibe, just as she wanted it to."

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And after battling through a legal showdown with Dr. Luke, whom she accused of sexual assault before courts denied her request to be released from her contract, Kesha seems to be channeling her struggles through her music. Take Rainbow's lyrics as an example: "I found a rainbow, rainbow, baby, trust me, I know life is scary, but just put those colors on, girl, and come and paint the world with me tonight.”

Dr. Luke's legal team is challenging Kesha's side of the story, claiming that the singer "exiled herself," that could've moved forward releasing music at any time, and that the label is currently working with her to release an album from her new songs. 

"[Kesha] provided 22 recordings created without any label consultation which were not in compliance with her contract, were in various stages of development, and which Kesha’s own team acknowledged needed work," Dr. Luke's lawyer Christine Lepera said in a statement to USA TODAY. "Then, and for the last several months, the label has been in discussions with Kesha and her team to choose the best music, create additional music, and work on the tracks created."

According to the statement, Kesha is working with label representatives to develop the material, agreeing upon a budget and list of producers and reserving studio time.

"The reality is that for well over two years, Kesha chose—and it was entirely her choice—not to provide her label with any music," Lepera said.

For now, Kesha still has more court struggles ahead — but at the end of it, there's plenty of new material we can look forward to from her.

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