- Nielsen Reorgs Adweek, Brandweek, Mediaweek; Layoffs; Why Three Anymore?

Rafat Ali
Tuesday, October 21, 2008; 6:07 PM

As we and others had reported before, Nielsen Business Media has announced a reorg of its Adweek Media Group, which consists of their three media-marketing focused books: Adweek, Mediaweek and Brandweek. The three separate editorial teams will now be combined into one, something they should have done a while ago.

The company is also doing an unspecified number of layoffs in editorial.

And yet, all three mags, their separate websites and about 15 e-mail newsletters survive. If they were really serious about long term viability, at least one of those three should have been closed down, if you ask me, and possibly even two. "The three chief editors of Adweek, Brandweek and Mediaweek?Mike Chapman, Todd Wasserman and Michael Burgi, respectively?will continue to lead their brands and remain focused on serving the unique information needs of their individual audiences, while also expanding and sharing resources to meet those needs," the company said. Sounds like a recipe for, well, more disaster to come. The writing's been on the virtual wall for a long time..

Update: Folio: Nielsen today also eliminated eight positions from its travel and performance and retail food group brands.


Nielsen Explores Companywide Editorial Reorg; Layoffs Coming

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