Added in API level 19

Contains classes for manipulation of PDF content.


LoadParams Represents a set of parameters to load the PDF document. 
LoadParams.Builder Builder for constructing LoadParams

This class enables generating a PDF document from native Android content. 

PdfDocument.Page This class represents a PDF document page. 
PdfDocument.PageInfo This class represents meta-data that describes a PDF Page
PdfDocument.PageInfo.Builder Builder for creating a PageInfo

This class enables rendering a PDF document and selecting, searching, fast scrolling, annotations, etc. 

PdfRenderer.Page This class represents a PDF document page for rendering. 

This class enables rendering a PDF document and selecting, searching, fast scrolling, annotations, etc from Android R till Android U. 

PdfRendererPreV.Page This class represents a PDF document page for rendering. 
RenderParams Represents a set of parameters that will be used to render a page of the PDF document. 
RenderParams.Builder Builder for constructing RenderParams